Helping you unleash your full female potential 
in health, happiness, work and play.
Helping you unleash your full female  potential in health, happiness, work and play.

Get Your FREE Copy of The Female Biohackers Guide™ 

Learn exactly what the 'female advantage' is and how you can use it to achieve a level of performance that is WAY above anything you have experienced before.

Are you ready for a brand new science-based perspective to help you get in shape, optimize your performance, and unleash your inner power?

You’ve found a way to reach high performance within a male-orientated system, but at what cost?

You are tired of wrangling your body into submission, pushing yourself to continue to hit your high performance goals.

You’ve nailed your career at the expense of your health, and can’t figure out how to achieve success in both areas of your life simultaneously.

You’ve shut off to the inner whispers of your body, overriding them daily with caffeine/stimulants to keep you kicking your career goals which make it hard for you to wind down at night.

You have lost connection with your feminine essence, your flow, your grace, your gender-specific powers.

You’re ready for change and ready to transform... Let’s get you the support you need!

Imagine if you could...

  • Fast track your path to wellbeing and success rather than wasting precious time testing and trialing countless gimmicks that don’t work.
  • Take back control of your wellbeing and feel the best you’ve ever felt, without needing to do strenuous and rigid daily exercise routines.
  • Lose weight and feel great without yo-yo dieting, and instead enjoy the foods you love to eat.
  • Perform at your best in work and life without pushing your body towards stress, injury or burnout.
  • Find your flow and reach your health goals by following the principles of ease, grace and self-care.
  • Harness your own unique female biological superpower and finally ditch the systems designed to help higher-performing men.
I hear you…I’ve been there. I used to work hard in a high-performance corporate role here in Australia. Through my sheer will and determination, I succeeded in many areas professionally. But I realized that trying to fit myself into a corporate fast-paced world eventually led to losing myself in the process.

The constant pressure, focus, and grit required to keep up in a corporate world, which for me entailed an environment crafted predominantly by men for men, meant that the one area that constantly let me down was my female body and health.

I wanted to serve to my fullest potential and make this world a better place. But instead, I spent years suffering, dimming my light, contorting to fit myself into an image of 'success'. This led me down the path of believing my female form was a major disadvantage that needed to be overcome or compensated for if I was to continue to perform at a high level in a male-orientated corporate world.

I felt I needed to constantly push, wrangle and control my body and mind to work at a consistently high level of performance that matched the mold of what ‘high performance’ and ‘success’ looked like based on my social and cultural conditioning, rather than honoring and trusting my body’s unique natural rhythms to find my flow-state.

After a decade of self-experimentation, studying many western and eastern health modalities including two health science university degrees focusing on functional nutrition and human physiology, and treating hundreds of high achieving women with various levels of endocrine dysfunction in my clinical work... 
I finally discovered the holy grail for optimizing women’s bodies! 

I call it… Biohacking: The Woman’s Way™.

A revolutionary woman-centric approach to achieving optimal wellbeing for life.

What I have found is that women have immense natural power within them! And it’s my job to help you discover it, harness it and perform beyond your wildest expectations. That’s all biohacking is, after all, the use of cutting edge science and self-experimentation to optimize your biology to make you look, feel and  perform at your best, everyday.

It would be a disservice to you as a female leader, and to the world, if I didn’t share everything that I know about maximizing your health, hormones, and happiness specific to you as a woman.

I’m here to  guide you step-by-step on how you can 
access and amplify your inner power, so you  can be a lighthouse to the world and  accomplish anything you set your mind and  heart to!

Let's do this!

as featured in

“‘I have discovered the ultimate secrets for unlocking the full potential of the female body, and it is uniquely different from the systems out there designed by men, for men.”


The Sleep Optimization 7 Day Challenge Program
The Woman’s Way™ - 12 Week Online (Signature) program
Private Coaching - The Woman's Way

Testimonials & Case Studies

Natalie Stirling

Stephanie helped me get to the bottom of my Anxiety, my IBS And my emotional highs and lows.
Stephanie understands the female body like no one I’ve ever come across. I trust Steph more than any doctor or specialist I’ve met.

Stephanie has given me so much knowledge and practical tools to use to optimise my mind and body base on working with my natural rhythms, which I continue to use everyday with outstanding results.

No other doctor or specialist had put an emphasis on this for me and were always very puzzled as to why I was experiencing these symptoms when physically I was healthy, eating well and active.

Jane Fullerton-Smith

Stephanie identified things other doctors hadn’t...

I was low in iodine and after 100’s of tests this hadn’t been picked up. Stephanie knows the female body like no-one else I have every come across and she can see things that so many others miss. 

I recommend Stephanie widely.... she is so knowledgeable about our inner workings on a whole other level.

Just make an appointment to speak with her today!
I had never done anything like this before so I was a little uncertain. I wanted to lose weight and not feel hungry all the time. Since working with Stephanie I have lost 10 kilos and kept it off for almost two years now!
I am so thankful every day that I made the decision to call Stephanie. It really has changed my life. While other women my age (50) are currently having all sorts of peri-menopausal and menopausal symptoms, I’m feeling great!

Justine Doorn-McCormack

I didn’t want a one-size-fits-all approach.
Stephanie provides personalised, tailored, supportive advice that is holistic and helped me be strong and focus on what I needed to do to meet my goals.

Debra Murphy

In this free masterclass I'll reveal the top #3 female high performance secrets for EPIC health (without needing to push, force or excessively diet)
Here's what you'll learn:
  • Take back control of your wellbeing and feel the best you've ever felt
  • ​Lose weight and feel great without yo-yo dieting
  • ​Perform at your best in work and life without
  • ​Find your flow and reach your highest health goals
  • ​Harness your own unique female biologicalsuperpower!
FREE - no credit card required

Carly Dunne

Before I started working with Stephanie I was worried that I would open a can of worms I wasn’t ready to completely commit myself to, but Stephaine has been so supportive and made everything manageable with her individualised approach.

Together we have chipped away at my health in stages and at the times that I have been ready to do so. Stephaine is the master at knowing when to challenge me and when to allow me time to take it slower.

Stephanie knows her stuff through a combination of thorough research and tried and tested practices. She is passionate, intuitive and uplifting. There is no one else I have found that comes close to offering the unique support to women that she can.

Stephaine was able to look at what I had already done and instead of repeating what I had already heard she was able to help me take my health to the next level and discover why all the other “text book” strategies weren’t working for me.

Thank you Stephanie, from the bottom of my heart. You have put things in motion in my life that can never be undone and for that I will be forever grateful. I know things now that I have never considered before and it all makes so much sense.

Tania Monaghan

My goal was to heal my gut, and improve my well being. Stephanie was amazing, she looked at my whole lifestyle not just nutrition to improve my wellbeing as a whole. She made many suggestions that I implemented and continue to use as my daily ritual. 

So many women think it is normal to feel tired or sluggish being a working mum, that is not true. Stephanie has the power to change this. I am in awe of what Stephanie is doing for so many women.
I had never done anything like this before so I was a little uncertain. I wanted to lose weight and not feel hungry all the time. Since working with Stephanie I have lost 10 kilos and kept it off for almost two years now!
I am so thankful every day that I made the decision to call Stephanie. It really has changed my life. While other women my age (50) are currently having all sorts of peri-menopausal and menopausal symptoms, I’m feeling great!

Justine Doorn-McCormack

I didn’t want a one-size-fits-all approach.
Stephanie provides personalised, tailored, supportive advice that is holistic and helped me be strong and focus on what I needed to do to meet my goals.

Debra Murphy

There are so many fads out there, so many one size fits all promises that don't ring true. How do you filter all of that? How do you try yet one more 'solution' that might make you feel worse?
Stephanie is a delight. An experienced practitioner who works with multiple modalities, working with you to customise an approach that suits your needs and goals. She listens and she knows what she is talking about.
I am lighter, fitter and stronger than I have been in years and I no longer fear going back to how I was.

Stephanie teams expertise with kindness, compassion and a customised approach. I feel she sees and hears me and recommends a course of action that is for me alone. More than anything I trust Stephanie, her approach is gentle, nurturing and supportive. And successful.

Jodie Healy

My mission is to awaken and empower women all over the globe to their unique biological ability to transform their whole being and in doing so achieve their full potential in life

"Every woman deserves the opportunity to develop the promise inside of her"
Michelle Obama

Download for FREE: The Female Biohackers Guide™ 

  • Discover my TOP Biohack to instantly transform your monthly cycle into your biggest superpower;
  • Learn the hidden 'Female Advantage' to help you outperform anyone regardless of age or gender;
  • Discover the #1 hidden sabotage that prevents women from achieving their full potential in life;
  • Find your flow and fulfilment in life, without the stress, anxiety or burnout;
  • Achieve a level of performance that exceeds your highest aspirations;
  • Learn exactly what the 'female advantage' is and how you can use it to achieve a level of performance that is way above anything you have experienced before.

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